+1 236-427-8797
For inquiries regarding pricing, please email frontdesk@doctoryeung.com for specifics. NOTE: Membership not required for an eye examination.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to your frequently asked questions. Any further questions can be sent to our email, frontdesk@doctoryeung.com, or give us a call at 236-427-8797.
Our Exams
How Often Should You Get An Eye Exam?
Once per year is the recommended time, but it is fine to wait for coverage (often every 2 years) if there is no noticeable change. If there is a large change or vision health issue, we can still see the pt as the doctor can bill a minor visit or there may be some billable health check.
What kind of tests are provided at WestCoastOD?
All tests necessary for a comprehensive health eye exam. Additional tests are retinal imaging, OCT= Optical Coherence Tomography, pachymetry (thickness of cornea measurement), Visual Fields. We currently fit speciality Rigid Gas Permeable/Scleral Lenses for patients with Keratoconus. In the future we will also be doing myopia management.
Do you do some different tests for diabetic patients?
We do extra tests such as OCT for diabetic patients, and we also dilate patients who are diabetic. We also perform Visual Field tests for diabetic patients. We like to monitor diabetic patients every 6 months.
Can I just check my prescription and not my eye health?
We do not provide just sight tests or prescription checks. All patients must have their eye health examined, even if it was done recently by another office or a specialist.
Our Doctors
Do you have doctors that speak other languages?
Yes we do. We have doctors that speak: English, Mandarin, Spanish, Cantonese, Korean, French, Vietnamese and Punjabi. When booking, give us a call and specify if you would prefer a doctor that speaks a different language than English.
How do I book with a specific doctor?
To book with a specific doctor it is best to contact us before your appointment. Our doctors schedules can vary week to week and our staff can help ensure you will be examined by your requested doctor. We are also able to check what doctors you have previously been examined by and help you rebook.
Glasses & Contacts
How do I read my prescription?
OD is right eye, OS is left eye
Sphere is the prescription distance, +; can see far away -; can see close up,
Cyl is the astigmatism (uneven cornea),
Axis is the degree or angle of astigmatism,
Add is for multifocal/ reading glasses,
PD is the distance between pupils
Do you sell glasses? Does the prescription also work for contact lenses?
Costco handles glasses and contact lenses. We are INDEPENDANT from Costco, thus we do not own the products (glasses or soft contact lenses). The Rx provided to you by our doctors is a spectacle Rx only, because for contact lenses we do not fit those since we do not directly sell the product (we are also Independent from Costco Optical).
Free fittings are provided at Costco Optical Departments. Alternatively, our spectacle Rx can be given to any other opticians in BC who will properly fit the soft contact lenses that they are selling (unless you are needing specialty RGP/hard or Scleral lenses from us; in which, we can order and DO FIT SPECIALTY contact lenses).
Optical can also fit lenses using your old frames.
Do you need a Costco Membership to book an appointment?
You do NOT need to be a Costco Membership to book an appointment with us. When entering Costco mention to the security that you are going in for an eye exam and they will let you through.
Can you bill my insurance?
We do not provide any direct billing services to any third party insurance. This includes billing for income or disability assistance, or First Nations health benefits.
Confirm with your coverage provider before arriving to your exam, some government provided assistance requires pre-approved office to claim payment.
Does MSP cover eye exams?
Routine vision checks for eyeglasses or contact lenses are not covered by MSP, however eligible residents of BC may be entitled to full or partial coverage of one complete eye exam by an optometrist every 12 months.
If additional exams are required due to a medical condition or other circumstances, they may be covered as well. MSP may also cover certain diagnostic tests and treatments provided by optometrists, such as visual field testing and the removal of foreign bodies from the eye.